Medicinal Recipes With White Mistletoe

Medicinal Recipes With White Mistletoe
Medicinal Recipes With White Mistletoe

White mistletoe is an herb with fleshy leaves that regulates blood pressure, improves heart health, clears metabolic disorders, and is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition, the herb is highly recommended for hormonal imbalance in women - especially before and after menopause.

White mistletoe can help you if you suffer from nervous disorders, if you have panic attacks, kidney disorders, irregular menstruation, bronchial asthma, headaches and anxiety and more.

If you want to make a decoction of the herb, put 400 ml of water on the stove. After the water boils, add white mistletoe leaves to it - 1 tbsp, then let the infusion boil for ten minutes.

You can also take baths with the herb, which will relieve joint pain, swelling, sciatica. You need to make a decoction or extract of white mistletoe. The extract is very easy to prepare - add 5 tbsp. leaves of the herb in three glasses of water. Leave the leaves to soak there for about 10 hours, then strain the extract.

To make a decoction of the fruit, you will also need wine. The fruits are boiled in wine and the decoction is drunk three times a day.


If you suffer from hypertension, we recommend mixing 20 g of evergreen, 50 g of white mistletoe, and 150 g of hawthorn blossom. Mix the ingredients and bring half a liter of water to a boil.

Separate one tablespoon of the herbs and add three chopped garlic cloves to it. When the water boils, pour a tablespoon of herbs and garlic. When the mixture cools, strain and drink four times a day. The amount is 50 ml at each intake.

If you do not like garlic, you can just pour 1 tsp. water a tablespoon of the herb and let it stand overnight. The next morning you drink the water, which you pre-filter.

In asthmatic bronchitis, mix 100 g of plantain, comfrey and basil, as well as 50 g of mallow, coltsfoot, white mistletoe and hawthorn. Take two tablespoons of herbs and put in boiling water - 400 ml.

Allow to boil for three minutes, then soak the decoction with the herbs for 20 minutes. Finally, strain and drink 120 ml three times a day before meals.

In larger doses, white mistletoe is poisonous.
