White Mistletoe Regulates Blood Pressure

White Mistletoe Regulates Blood Pressure
White Mistletoe Regulates Blood Pressure

According to a study by Australian scientists, white mistletoe may become one of the main means of treating bowel cancer.

Experts have found that certain concentrations of this herb can prevent cancer cells from growing without adversely affecting the body's healthy cells.

The herb is well known in Bulgarian folk medicine - it is effective in metabolic problems, helps women with hormonal imbalance, especially during menopause, regulates irregular menstruation.

White mistletoe is also recommended for kidney disease, headache, insomnia, dizziness. Last but not least, the herb regulates blood pressure.

In case of arterial hypertension you can prepare the following decoction of 30 g of white mistletoe stalks, 40 g of geranium roots and 50 g of horsetail stalks.

Mix the spices and take 2 tsp. of them, pour them with 1 tsp. boiling water and let the mixture stand for an hour. Then strain and drink before meals 50 ml three times a day.

The combination of white mistletoe with other herbs regulates blood pressure, but it is necessary before starting to drink decoctions to consult a doctor. In large doses the herb is poisonous.

White Mistletoe
White Mistletoe

The following recipe contains 50 g of yarrow stalks, mint leaves, buckthorn bark. Add 100 g of wolfberry roots, hawthorn flowers and white mistletoe stalks to these herbs.

Mix all the herbs and take 2 tbsp. and add them to 600 ml of boiling water. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave it with the herbs for about half an hour. Then strain and drink three times a day - 150 ml at least 10 minutes before meals.

Raspberry leaves also lower high blood pressure - pour 2 tbsp. with half a liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture on the stove for three minutes and then strain. It is drunk in three doses.

Our latest suggestion for herbal decoction is prepared with the help of wild strawberry leaves. Put 2 tbsp. in half a liter of boiling water and leave the mixture for a minute on the stove. Then withdraw and strain, then drink before meals - one glass of wine per reception.
