Fiber Can Rid Us Of High Cholesterol

Fiber Can Rid Us Of High Cholesterol
Fiber Can Rid Us Of High Cholesterol

Nutritionists advise us to increase fiber in our daily menu if we want to get rid of high cholesterol. Experts explain that with high cholesterol, diet is the first thing we need to do.

We start by limiting saturated fat, but nutritionists say that limiting foods that raise cholesterol will not be enough. We need to take in more fiber - they are soluble and insoluble.

Fiber will increase the size of bile, and it is responsible for the distribution of dietary fat. In addition, soluble fiber maintains normal glucose levels, which will reduce the levels of cholesterol that is produced in the liver.

The amount of fiber we need to eat per day is an average of 14 g per 1000 kilocalories. If you eat less and want to increase the consumption of foods that contain them, do it gradually - this will avoid bloating and flatulence.

In addition, when increasing fiber intake, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Increase consumption of lentils, carrots, apples, nuts - they are all rich in soluble fiber.

Balance in the Stomach
Balance in the Stomach

In addition to being good for our health and can get rid of high cholesterol, fiber satisfies hunger for a long time and can help us fight weight.

According to a study by nutritionist Dr. Susan Roberts, people who consume between 35 and 45 grams of fiber a day feel less hungry than those who eat less fiber.

Eat more whole grain bread - according to another study, the fiber contained in whole grains, fruits and vegetables significantly reduces the risk of stroke. The study was led by Professor Diane Tripleton of the University of Leeds.

A team of scientists have analyzed several large medical studies. They show that people who consume fiber regularly do not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. This in turn reduces the risk of stroke.
