This Is The Reason Why You Can't Get Rid Of Belly Fat

This Is The Reason Why You Can't Get Rid Of Belly Fat
This Is The Reason Why You Can't Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Have you ever wondered why some people find it so difficult to get rid of belly fat? And maybe you are one of them and despite regular exercise and training your waist does not decrease. Or is it even growing because the extra pounds are only accumulating in this area? Slow metabolism, food intake, exercise, lifestyle can be to blame for this condition. But the culprit may not be among them.

We have all heard the maxim of a healthy mind in a healthy body. It is also applicable in this case, because it turns out that the cause of the bulging abdomen may lie in a certain mental state. In many cases, excess weight can be caused by stress. It is possible that increasing it will lead to appetite suppression and subsequent weight loss.

But when it is chronic, stress can be a cause of weight gain, as it causes us to seek solace in unhealthy foods. This phenomenon is known as stress-induced weight gain. And stress, anxiety, worry have almost become synonymous with the times in which we live. Stress can not only disturb your mind, but also lead to weight gain, and the hormone cortisol is blamed for this.

Cortisol is also called stress hormone. It is secreted by the adrenal glands and is involved in maintaining blood pressure. It also stimulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates for more energy, stimulates the release of insulin and the maintenance of blood sugar levels. Increased appetite may be the result.

Stress and elevated cortisol levels have been found to cause fat to build up in the abdomen, not in the thighs or other parts of the body. And this can be dangerous, because there is a big link between belly fat and cardiovascular disease.

Health experts explain exactly how cortisol is associated with the accumulation of abdominal fat. It is released when we are stressed. This leads to an increase in insulin levels and a decrease in blood sugar levels, which causes the need for carbohydrates and sweet foods. In response to food, the body releases chemicals that have a direct calming effect.

Also, high cortisol production can confuse the entire endocrine system and increase appetite. Stress leads to an overproduction of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full and satisfied, becomes passive.
