Reasons To Gain Weight - The Price Of Doing Nothing

Reasons To Gain Weight - The Price Of Doing Nothing
Reasons To Gain Weight - The Price Of Doing Nothing

Those who are overweight should be aware of the reasons that led to this condition and their health consequences. Once they are familiar with the causes of weight gain and the health risks that follow, it will be easy for people to focus on the need to lead a different lifestyle.

First, change your diet

Nutrition and medical experts are of the opinion that obesity is caused by two main factors - diet and a stagnant lifestyle, with diet in the first place.

A diet based on processed foods rich in protein, sugars, salt and high amounts of fat, without the presence of fresh fruits and vegetables, is a diet with one outcome - overweight. In this case, a complete change in regimen is needed to stop the progression of this disease.

Overweight and other obese people should get used to a healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits (two servings a day) and vegetables (five servings a day), and a medium amount of fish, lean meat and poultry.

Nuts, seeds, cereals and whole grain breads should also be part of the diet. Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is acceptable, but the intake of non-alcoholic sugars should be kept to a minimum.

Good health habits can be quickly adopted by children, but so are bad ones. Being overweight is a problem that can easily be passed down from generation to generation.

Then start with exercises

Full people
Full people

The next main reason for gaining weight is the lack of regular exercise, especially for children. They spend too much time in immobilizing activities - watching TV or in front of the computer, instead of playing outside in the yard.

Exercises can take any form - brisk walking, jogging, running, playing tennis, squash, swimming, cycling - the list is endless. But for a person who has simply come to terms with the need for exercise, a walk of about 45 minutes a day would be satisfactory. It is enough to prevent the formation of fat, if all this is combined with a proper diet.

Lifestyle change, including diet and exercise, along with full awareness and confidence in the need to lose weight, can become a permanent solution to obesity.

Beware of the unhealthy effects of overweight

Being overweight leads to severe health consequences. Here are some of them:

Diabetes 2 - is considered a deadly disease and is caused by obesity. It can lead to blindness, loss of limbs and eventually death.

Chronic heart disease, hypertension, arterial disease and heart attacks.

Some forms of cancer are more risky for obese people - cancer of the colon, prostate, kidney and breast.

In addition to these medical complications, obese people will also have difficulty enjoying a normal lifestyle. They will have problems moving and even breathing.

Although the above diseases are bad enough, those suffering from obesity may also experience adverse social aspects. The main factors are the lack of self-esteem in front of others and probably social discrimination, especially in the workplace.
