Diet Regimes For Obese And Thin People

Diet Regimes For Obese And Thin People
Diet Regimes For Obese And Thin People

We have written many times that you can lose weight not only by starvation, but if you choose the right foods. Suitable for losing weight are fish, low-fat dairy products, lean meats and vegetables.

Often people who happen to be overweight only then ask nutritionists what are the forbidden foods. The answer is: it depends on the state of health.

In any case, you should not overdo the amount. And forget about products with sugar, white flour and high fat. Get at least 2 liters a day. Reduce the salt.

"At least 3-4 times a day you should sit at the table, the accepted amount should not exceed 400-500 grams. The specified weight includes, for example, the tarator, salad and fish chosen for lunch, ie the entire amount that will However, the snacks should be smaller in weight, for example 200-300 g ", advises" Trud "Dr. Mitko Rigov, a specialist in nutrition and dietetics at the Sofia University Hospital.

Dishes should never be fried. Bet on boiled, stewed or baked.

The specialist recommends the first meal to be 1-2 hours after getting up. The second should be at 10-11, lunch at 12-13, afternoon breakfast at 16, and dinner the earlier, the better. The interval between meals should be 2-3 hours.

However, these tips are for people with normal health. "If those who have decided to lose weight have a disease, then before taking any action, consult a specialist," added Dr. Rigov.

The specialist recommends the following two regimens - for very obese people (weighing over 100 kg) and those who want to save 4-5 kg.

Sample menu for very full:

Breakfast - meat products, such as ham, with a little tomato or cucumber. Another option is yogurt with oatmeal or bran.

Intermediate meal before lunch - seasonal fruit: 1 apple, peach, apricot, watermelon, cherries and more. Not more than 300 grams.

Lunch - salad with vegetables, lean dish like green beans or fish. A second option is chicken soup and salad.

Dinner - casserole, baked cabbage, green beans, lentils, etc., which can be combined with vegetable soup. Or serve the vegetarian dish with a salad. A third option is grilled or pan-fried fish with vegetable garnish. Potatoes, rice and nuts are prohibited.

Sample menu for losing 4-5 kg

For breakfast - fillet or boiled chicken with vegetables. You can bet on 1 boiled egg with cucumber (gherkin). The specialist does not recommend eating fruit in the morning, it is good to take in the afternoon.

Intermediate meal before lunch - a slice of watermelon, 1 apple, peach, a few cherries.

Lunch - grilled steak or meatballs with salad or tarator.

Dinner - grilled vegetables, but tasteless, for example with grilled fish.

If at some time of the day a person is very hungry, he can eat carrots or a slice of cucumber. And if you do not aim to lose a lot of weight - and a few nuts. Chocolate is also allowed, but only one block, not whole.
