This Is The Nation That Drank The Most Alcohol In The Last Year

This Is The Nation That Drank The Most Alcohol In The Last Year
This Is The Nation That Drank The Most Alcohol In The Last Year

With 18.2 liters of alcohol per person for the last year, Lithuanians are in first place among the nations that drank the most drinks in one year, according to statistics from the World Health Organization.

According to their surveys, 16.7% of Lithuanians have drunk to oblivion in the last year. The leading causes of alcoholism are shaky mental health and problems in personal relationships.

Lithuanians are leaders in drinking, ahead of the French, Germans and British. For comparison, in France they drank 11.7 liters of alcohol per person, in Germany - 11.4 liters, and in the UK - 12.3 liters.

Psychologist Visvaldas Legkauskas of Vytautas the Great University in Kaunas says the negative statistics for Lithuania are due to emerging Lithuanian pessimism.

This is the nation that drank the most alcohol in the last year
This is the nation that drank the most alcohol in the last year

Life in our country is not bad, but it is more typical for Lithuanians to be pessimistic than to be positive, and for this reason they strive to drown their problems in alcohol, says the expert.

Studies also show that Lithuanians are fans of high-grade spirits such as vodka.

Faced with increasing cases of alcoholism, Lithuanian authorities have recently taken steps to curb it.

As of June 1, a new law is in force in the country, which bans the broadcasting of alcohol advertisements during the most watched TV hours - between 8 pm and 10 pm. In addition, the age at which you can legally order your first drink has been raised from 18 to 20 years.

With this, the authorities hope to limit alcohol consumption, which has jumped by 25% since 1998.
