The Enemies Of The Diet

The Enemies Of The Diet
The Enemies Of The Diet

And the most effective diet can be powerless in the face of your daily habits. Give up just a few bad habits and you will see how much easier it will be to maintain the ideal weight.

What prevents the body from maintaining normal weight? In the first place, this is the rapid ingestion of food. When food is not retained in the mouth, the load on the digestive tract increases.

With fast food, the brain cannot receive a signal in time that the stomach is full. It takes him twenty minutes, and in that time you have already managed to overeat.

The second bad habit is ignoring breakfast. When you miss breakfast, you can count on being beaten by noon and overeating at noon.

In third place is night overeating. At night, metabolic processes are slowed down and excess food is poorly digested and converted into fat.

During sleep, the body will expend its energy on digestion, so in the morning you will feel bad. If you can't sleep because of hunger, eat fruits or vegetables.

A passionate love of coffee also interferes with diet. Consumption of sweets also harms the desire to lose weight.

Weight gain is not because of the calories in sugar, but because of its ability to affect hormonal balance. If you can't do without jam, focus on dried fruit.

Another enemy of the diet is the weekend, and more precisely the way of eating on weekends. Although you have managed to keep a diet during the week, on the weekends everything goes to waste because you gather with friends or go to visit.

Overeating in a bad mood also affects the diet. You don't have to cram in food every time you're in a bad mood. This will not bring benefits, but only additional reasons for depression from looking in the mirror.

Insufficient saturation of the body with water is also an enemy of the diet. When you do not drink water, you feel hungry and tired. As a result, you reach for something pastry and sweet.
