This Natural Remedy Will Eliminate Parasites From Your Body

This Natural Remedy Will Eliminate Parasites From Your Body
This Natural Remedy Will Eliminate Parasites From Your Body

The recipe is easy and worth a try!

The human body is a good breeding ground for parasites and worms. These parasites can live long in the human body.

The simplest single-celled organisms

These unicellular microorganisms are transmitted through faeces, sand fumes and mosquito bites, contaminated water and food. They multiply very quickly and live in human tissues and blood. The four elementary parasites that occur in humans are sporozoites, mastitophores, ciliophores and sarcodines.

Multicellular organisms - helminths

Unlike simple unicellular organisms, helminths are multicellular organisms, and the adult helminth is visible to the naked eye. The types of this organism are: prickly worm, roundworm and flatworm.



These are parasitesthat can live in human skin. They can live there for a long period of time - from day to month. Examples of ectoparasites: fleas, ticks and lice. They can be dangerous to humans because they carry diseases such as Lyme disease.

Sources where people can become infected with a parasitic infection:

- Poor sanitary hygiene;

- Contaminated drinking water;

- Consumption of poorly cooked meat;

- Impact in places with parasites;

- Contact with an infected person;

- Contact with infected animals;

- Consumption of unwashed fruits and vegetables;

Symptoms of parasitic infection

Symptoms of a parasitic infection
Symptoms of a parasitic infection

Swelling and gas, constipation, diarrhea, pain in the lips and mouth, abdominal pain, physical fatigue, weak immunity, frequent infections of the bladder, constant itching of the genitals and anus, dysentery.

A natural remedy for removing parasites

Cinnamon, ginger and garlic remove parasites
Cinnamon, ginger and garlic remove parasites

Here is the natural recipe for tea that will save the body from parasites:

Garlic - 1 clove

Ginger - a piece

Cinnamon - 1/2 tbsp.

In a small metal bowl, chop the garlic and ginger, add the cinnamon and plain water. Simmer over low heat and allow to cool. You can also add a little honey to taste, but only when the tea is chilled. Drink this tea 2-3 times daily before meals.
