Useful Smoothies For Weight Loss

Useful Smoothies For Weight Loss
Useful Smoothies For Weight Loss

The fight against excess weight has long been conducted with all sorts of diets. To get the desired effect, it is necessary for the diet to include foods containing fiber, protein, healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamin C and plenty of water.

Fiber is the helper of the digestive system so that it can work well. They stimulate metabolism. Water hydrates the body and removes toxins. Proteins are involved in the creation of muscle tissue and support the work of the most important organs.

Healthy fats control appetite and help the body get rid of excess fat. Vitamin C stimulates metabolism and has a strong detox effect. Antioxidants destroy free radicals and protect cells from damage.

There is a food that combines all these requirements and at the same time is easy and quick to prepare. It is embarrassed. It is the new useful hit in the fight against weight gain. All useful and necessary substances for the body are collected in just one cup. Here are some suitable recipes for smoothies.

Smoothies with berries

½ h.h. raspberries, fresh or frozen

½ h.h. blackberries, fresh or preserved in the freezer

½ h.h. mango

½ apple

2 tbsp. lemon juice

¼ h.h. water or ice cubes

Blend in a blender for 1 minute. This is excellent refreshing drink.

Fruit and vegetable smoothies

2 peaches

½ cucumber

A handful of vegetables with leaves - spinach, cabbage, lettuce or arugula

1 tbsp. grated ginger

3 leaves of fresh mint

1/3 tsp water or ice

The drink mixed in the blender has not only a refreshing taste, but also a pleasant mint aroma.

Chocolate smoothie

½ h.h. skimmed milk

60 ml of yogurt

½ packet of vanilla powder

1 tsp grated chocolate

1 tsp fresh or frozen raspberries

After blending in a blender, a thick smoothie is obtained, which is eaten with a spoon.

Blueberry smoothie
Blueberry smoothie

Blueberry smoothie

1 tsp skimmed milk

1 tsp fresh or frozen blueberries

1 tbsp. linseed oil

Mix the milk and blueberries in a blender for 1 minute. To the received trouble shake add linseed oil.
