2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Healing apple / Galega officinalis L. / is a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family. The herb is also known as horse ribs and ribs. The medicinal apple has a short multi-headed rhizome. The stem at the base is stiff, erect, 40-50 cm high, hollow, glabrous, branched.
The leaves of the medicinal apple are consecutive, unpaired, the leaves are oblong, elliptical or lanceolate. The flowers are gathered in long racemes in the axils of the leaves along the stem. Corolla white to purple, composed of 5 unequal leaflets. The fruit is a linear cylindrical multi-seeded bean.
The medicinal apple blossoms from May to August. It grows in moist shady places, in ditches, ditches, near forests. Distributed throughout the country up to 1300 m above sea level. Apart from Bulgaria, it is found in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe.
Composition of medicinal apple
Stems from healing apple contain 0, 11 - 0.2% alkaloids. The flavonoid glucoside galuteolin has been isolated from the herb, which is hydrolyzed to glucose and luteolin, tannins, bitter substances, sugars and others.
Growing a medicinal apple
The perennial medicinal apple grows successfully in any garden soil. It feels good in both sun and shade. The medicinal apple blooms throughout the summer with an abundance of inflorescences with powdery flowers and spreads quickly. This plant is more suitable for gardens with wild flowers than for a mixed border.
Otherwise you can plant in the mixed border healing apple next to tall bushes. The medicinal apple is propagated by dividing the tufts in autumn. The easiest variety is Galega officinalis, which impresses with beautiful pale purple or magenta flowers. The Alba variety is characterized by white flowers. Other interesting colorful hybrids are the pink-colored His Majesty and the creamy Lady Wilson. Galega orientalis is a lower plant with violet-blue flowers.
Collection and storage of medicinal apple
For medicinal manipulations, the stems of the medicinal apple are used, which are harvested from June to August. Cut the top stalks, not longer than 20 cm during flowering, together with the leaves and flowers. Later, the plant becomes unsuitable for picking - the stems begin to become woody, and the leaves and other parts acquire an unpleasant taste. Even when picking the herb is cleaned of harmful leaves, thick stems, impurities and waste.
The collected and cleaned material is dried in ventilated rooms, distributed on frames or mats. It is best to dry the herb in an oven at a temperature of up to 50 degrees. Sun drying is not recommended. From about 4 kg of fresh stalks of medicinal apple is obtained 1 kg of dry. The dried stems and leaves of the herb have a blue to whitish color. Their smell is without peculiarities, and their taste is slightly bitter. The treated material is packed in standard weight bales and stored in dry and dark rooms, tightly closed.
Benefits of medicinal apple
The healing apple lowers blood sugar, it has an insulin-like action. In addition, the herb has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect on colds. It is also used to treat the kidneys and bladder.
The healing apple is used to increase breast milk. It is used as an aid in the treatment of diabetes with insulin and others. Helps with worms and also with prostate enlargement.
In the fresh state, the medicinal apple is used for rubbing when stung and bitten by insects, for applying paws to lichens, as an insecticide against flies, fleas, bedbugs, moths.
Folk medicine with a healing apple
In folk medicine, the decoction of healing apple is used as a diaphoretic and anthelmintic.
Prepare the decoction by pouring a tablespoon of finely chopped herb with 2 cups of boiling water. After cooling and straining, the decoction is drunk for 1 day.
For prostate adenoma you can apply the following recipe with medicinal apple: Two tablespoons of finely chopped herb are poured 600 ml of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes, soaked for 30 minutes. The decoction is drunk 6 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.
The healing apple is recommended by our folk medicine and for radiation sickness. Bulgarian folk medicine offers a decoction of medicinal apple as a diaphoretic and diuretic for inflammation of the urinary tract and for external use in wet eczema.
To prepare the decoction, pour two tablespoons of the drug with 600 ml of boiling water. The decoction is boiled for 3 minutes and filtered. Divide into 6 portions and take 15 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after meals.
Our folk medicine offers several recipes with healing apple in combination with other herbs in diabetes. For the first recipe, mix 100 g of queen stalks, 100 g of apple stalks, 50 g of dandelion stalks, 50 g of blackberry leaves, 40 g of mulberry leaves, 40 g of bean pods and 40 g of corn hair.
Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and boil in 500 ml of water for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml of the liquid four times a day before meals. At noon and in the evening after eating half a bucket of yogurt with a head of crushed garlic or chopped nettle. In the morning, have breakfast with oatmeal, and drink whey instead of water.
For the next recipe you need 100 g of queen stalks, 100 g of apple stalks, 50 g of horsetail stalks, 50 g of cranberries, 50 g of nettle leaves, 40 g of blackberry leaves. Two tablespoons of the mixture are boiled for 6 minutes in 500 ml of water. Strain the decoction and take 100 ml four times a day before meals.
In diabetes, the following recipe is used: Make a mixture of 100 g of stalks and roots of queen, 50 bean pods, 50 g of nettle leaves, 50 g of blackberry leaves, 50 g of apple stalks, 20 g of flax seeds, 20 g dandelion stalks and up to 20 g of dilyanka roots. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture are boiled for 6 minutes in 500 ml of water. The strained decoction is divided into four parts and drunk within the same day.
Harm from the healing apple
The use of healing apple she should be very careful, if possible and under medical supervision. Exceeding the dose may increase blood pressure or lead to gastrointestinal disorders.
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