Tips If You Need To Lose Weight Extremely Fast

Tips If You Need To Lose Weight Extremely Fast
Tips If You Need To Lose Weight Extremely Fast

A well-sculpted body is not achieved in days or weeks, but in months, even years. However, sooner or later everyone in their life is placed in a situation in which they find themselves with extra pounds, which must be lost extremely quickly - because the wedding dress does not imperceptibly fasten 2 weeks before the wedding; your suit tightens shortly before an important event; you have to wear your favorite dress to your best friend's engagement. Yes, such situations happen often in life, and it is in them that you find yourself in a situation where in desperation you do not know what the right steps are. How to lose weight fast?

First of all, don't panic! You can achieve results even in a week. It is true that such weight loss is not useful, so in no case should you practice it often or for a long time. Use it only in such emergencies.

To lose weight very quickly, you need to go into a large calorie deficit and increase your daily energy expenditure. You should also exclude some foods altogether. Try to eat only pure proteins, such as chicken, egg whites or roasted fish, as well as low-carbohydrate vegetables, so as not to lose fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Your diet menu will be quite boring, but the results are guaranteed. You can combine the products to make nutritious and low-calorie meals - you can make chicken soup using only chicken fillet and a few carrots; you can build it up with egg white and a few tablespoons of skim yogurt.

Chicken soup for extreme weight loss
Chicken soup for extreme weight loss

You can even make meatballs, as long as the meat is pork loin. Drink plenty of water - your diet will be restrictive enough, so you should not allow dehydration, because it is very harmful to the body.

When you have to to lose weight extremely fast, bet on a protein diet, not a low-carb diet or a low-fat diet. It is true that both carbohydrates and proteins are needed by the body, but in 3-4 days you can do without them. This is the so-called Pierre Ducan regimen, which is known for its brilliant results, but also for its extreme harm if applied for a long time - this means that in no case should you follow it for more than a week.

If you have 2 weeks before the event, even better - you can start with a few days only on protein and vegetables, and in the next to bet on a small amount of carbohydrates - this means no more than 2 small or medium fruits a day. However, avoid bananas, figs and grapes - you can eat raspberries, blackberries, strawberries or blueberries. 300 grams of any of them equals 1 fruit. This means that if you choose berries, you can eat up to 600 grams a day.

Protein diet
Protein diet

Count your calories, to lose weight fast. That means everything - even a piece of chocolate can fail you. Record each bite. However, you should not starve completely because you risk getting sick. A large calorie deficit is usually considered to be 500 calories less than your usual diet.
