Facts About Vegetarianism

Facts About Vegetarianism
Facts About Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular. It means giving up fish and meat. Let's see some facts about vegetarianism and veganism.

Vegetarianism is believed to have originated in Asian countries in ancient times and was originally based on the religious traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism.

People quickly discover the benefits of this diet. These include weight control, rapid weight loss, lower blood pressure, easier digestion, and a feeling of lightness. Other benefits of this diet include: healthier and smoother skin, faster recovery from other illnesses, and higher immunity.

For the spread of vegetarianism some celebrities also contribute. For example, Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer who opposes violence against animals.

These people justify their position with a reluctance to hurt a living being.

Vegetarianism is not a diet or a fashion, but a way of life and a corresponding worldview.

Here are some basic ones types of vegetarianism:

- Distinguishes strict veganism - complete rejection of food of animal origin;

- lacto-vegetarianism - eating only dairy products;

- fruit-eating - using only fruits, seeds and nuts;

- raw food - diet with raw foods with refusal of heat treatment;

- lacto-ovovegetarianism - refusal of meat and fish, but eating dairy foods and eggs.

Facts about vegetarianism
Facts about vegetarianism

Favorite vegetarian foods are hummus, classic falafel, pizza margarita, vegetable meatballs.

Most restaurants and cafes offer vegetarian menus and fruit desserts.

World Vegetarian Day is celebrated on October 1.

Culinary master classes for the best vegetarian dishes are held at open events. The most active in the celebration are countries such as China and Thailand.

Although the benefits of vegetarianism are many, we can not fail to note that it also carries some risks. An unbalanced diet can lead to serious deficits in your body. Therefore, we do not advise you to start a vegetarian diet without consulting a specialist.
