How To Cool Beer Without A Refrigerator

How To Cool Beer Without A Refrigerator
How To Cool Beer Without A Refrigerator

Nobody likes to drink hot beer. However, if you are in the mountains on a hiking or camping trip, you can't have a fridge on hand to cool your favorite beer. However, nature gives you several opportunities to drink your favorite drink even without using the achievements of modern science. All you need are a few natural elements and a little patience.

The wind method

For this method it is better to take beer in a glass bottle. Put the bottle in a sock. An adult sock does a perfect job for even a 1 liter bottle. Wet the sock after putting the bottle in it.

Tie it on a branch in a ventilated place. It is important to know that the stronger the wind, the faster your beer will cool. The beer will be ready for consumption in 20 to 30 minutes. Unfortunately, this method does not work well on a hot and windless day.

The newspaper method

Tear a newspaper into long strips. Wet them. Wrap the beer bottle in strips. Allow the water to evaporate from the paper and the beer will be ready to drink. It takes you about 30 minutes. The beer will not be icy, but it will be pleasant to consume.

The water method

If you are on a picnic or camping near water, make the most of it. This method is equally effective for both glass bottles and jugs. Put the bottle in a sock. This will help speed up heat transfer.


Immerse it in a nearby river or lake. Make sure you secure it well so that the water does not carry it away. In a little over 10 minutes you will have a cold beer on hand.

Salt-ice method

This is the fastest method for cooling beer, but it will only work if you have salt and ice on hand. It is equally effective for glass bottles and metal cans. Fill a bowl or bucket with water and ice. The ratio should be somewhere between 50 and 50. Add salt. A small handful should do the job for you.

The addition of salt lowers the freezing point of water. This means that the water can become much colder, but without turning into ice. Place the bottles in the bucket and stir continuously for 5 minutes. Stirring accelerates the transfer of heat from the bottle to the contents of the bucket. In just 5 minutes you will be able to drink ice cold beer.

The earth method

This method is not as fast as the others, but it is the only one if you are outside on a hot day and there is no stream or river around you. Choose a shady place. It is good for the soil to be moist. If not, wet it. Dig a hole in which to bury the bottle. The deeper the hole, the colder the beer will be afterwards.

