How To Keep Products Fresh Without A Refrigerator

How To Keep Products Fresh Without A Refrigerator
How To Keep Products Fresh Without A Refrigerator

Our great-grandmothers knew the qualities of the products and that is why they did great without a refrigerator. Their tips can be useful on a picnic, on a trip or just if your fridge is full.

The oil is well packed in a clean glass jar and topped with ice-cold salted water, which must be changed absolutely every day.

Dairy products are stored in small containers, which are placed in a large pot or tray with water. The products are covered with a towel, the ends of which are lowered into the water.

The water evaporates and keeps the temperature of the dairy products low, thus preventing their spoilage.

To preserve fresh fish for a long time, you must first clean it well and remove its gills. Then dry it very well, rub its belly with salt and fill it with napkins.

Each fish is wrapped in clean dry paper. If you want to store fresh crabs outside the refrigerator, you need to boil them, put them in glass jars and fill them with cold salt water.

Vegetables spoil from excess moisture, so before storing them it is better not to wash them and wrap them well in paper. That way they won't wither.


When you need to store meat without a refrigerator, prevent air from entering this perishable product. You can pour high-fat milk over it.

After about an hour, the milk cream will wrap around the meat like a safety net on all sides, not allowing air to enter. Lactic acid will slow down the growth of bacteria.

You can seal the meat in another way: scald it with boiling water and its surface will turn white, as the top layer of protein will be cooked in it.

You can also just lubricate it with plenty of oil. In summer, you should protect the meat from flies - rub it well with pepper and grated horseradish, wrap it in a cloth soaked in pickle juice.

The eggs are sealed by putting them in boiling water for five seconds. Thus, a layer of boiled protein is formed under the shell, which prevents spoilage. Store unused egg yolks in a glass jar or glass full of cold water.
