Should We Drink Water When We Eat?

Should We Drink Water When We Eat?
Should We Drink Water When We Eat?

Opinions on whether we should drink water while eating are different, and the arguments that apply to the benefits or harms of drinking water while eating are equally valid.

During nutrition, various processes take place in the body, so it is important to know what are the determining factors useful or harmful in the intake of fluids with food.

1. When we eat, saliva rich in important enzymes is released in the mouth.

Water when eating
Water when eating

2. When food enters the stomach, gastric juices are released from it, which, in addition to breaking down food, prepare it for the small intestine and protect us from inadvertently ingested bacteria.

3. An important organ in the process of nutrition is the liver. Most of the nutrients are transported into it through the blood, and after the necessary processing are transported to every part of the body. He chooses what to use now and what to store for later, and loaded with this important role, the liver needs a lot of water.

It has been proven that drinking large amounts of water can interfere with proper digestion by upsetting the acid balance in the stomach.

If digestion deteriorates, then toxic elements are formed despite the healthy food we have eaten.


Experts advise not to drink alcohol and carbonated beverages with food, because they are guaranteed to worsen the digestive process.

It has been found that drinking water before and after meals has a positive effect on digestion. A glass of water 30 minutes before and after meals keeps the body hydrated and improves the activity of the stomach and intestines.

According to Dr. Michael Pico, water does not dilute gastric juices. In fact, drinking water during and after eating facilitates digestion. Water, like other liquids, breaks down and softens food, so the digestive system handles less effort during the breakdown process.

According to many experts, if you add a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to a glass of water, it will help to quickly break down food.
