Eat Every 3 Hours For A Fast Metabolism

Eat Every 3 Hours For A Fast Metabolism
Eat Every 3 Hours For A Fast Metabolism

To be healthy, it is good to understand how our body works. When we get to know him, we will be able to change our diet so as to normalize metabolism and speed up metabolism. So the pounds will melt on their own.

A properly functioning body is the first step to a perfect figure. It needs all the substances - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They must be taken in a ratio of 3: 4: 3 at each meal for the metabolism to work at full speed.

The more years go by, the harder it is to fight our habits. Our body is designed to store fat, which it tends to consume only in extreme cases, when all other sources are depleted.

To prevent fat from taking over and burning as much of it as possible, be careful what you put on your plate. Bet on negative calorie foods. These are the foods that absorb more energy than their caloric composition.

Eating every 3 hours is the key to speeding up the metabolism. Nutritionists are adamant that the optimal time between meals should be 2-3 hours, as this stimulates metabolism.

The rule is that the more food it receives, the faster it absorbs it. This burns subcutaneous fat even faster. Long intervals without food make the body store fat, which is then even harder to burn.


However, speeding up the metabolism can only be done by eating the right food. If you constantly eat high-calorie temptations, there is no way to get rid of fat. Eat healthy food in small portions. Larger portions are allowed at main meals.

The largest meal should be between 12 and 14 hours, no later. Pay attention to fiber - in addition to saturating, they will stimulate metabolic processes in your body. They are in the highest doses in fruits and vegetables. Among the mandatory foods is fish - the most powerful stimulant of metabolism.

It takes the body 4 hours to digest food, no matter how light it is. To stimulate this process, it is good to take a walk after a meal. If you eat a lot and neglect exercise, you run the risk of getting gastrointestinal problems.
