Dark Chocolate Saves Us From Emotional Breakdowns

Dark Chocolate Saves Us From Emotional Breakdowns
Dark Chocolate Saves Us From Emotional Breakdowns

According to the results of a new study, the consumption of dark chocolate can quickly and effectively help us with severe emotional breakdowns.

In a study, British experts found that dark chocolate, combined with proper nutrition, can reduce chronic fatigue - a syndrome that often affects young people with a busy daily life.

The condition is characterized by a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and relaxed muscles. A person suffers from irritability, but this can change if you take 6 bars of dark chocolate 3 times a day.

Nutritionists also support this view, claiming that dark chocolate reduces emotional stress without leading to weight gain, unlike some fatty foods, which adversely affect health and figure.


Dark chocolate is more useful than white and milk because of its high cocoa content.

This chocolate contains serotonin, which is a natural antidepressant. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, which create a feeling of happiness and pleasure.

A study conducted a few years ago showed that melting a piece of chocolate in the mouth creates a feeling of pleasure equivalent to the pleasure of a passionate kiss.

Black chocolate
Black chocolate

The American specialist Dr. Mittelman has found that consuming small amounts of dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart failure in women.

According to the specialist, 20-30 grams of natural chocolate up to 3 times a month reduce by one third the risk of heart failure.

Experts warn that with more frequent consumption (1-2 times a week) the beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system disappears, and with eating chocolate from 3 to 6 times a week the risk of heart failure even increases.

Chocolate with a high cocoa content is rich in polyphenols, which have excellent antioxidant properties and successfully fight free radicals in the human body.

It has been proven that 6 grams of dark chocolate a day lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 60%.
