In The Paws Of Emotional Eating

In The Paws Of Emotional Eating
In The Paws Of Emotional Eating

If we eat when we are not hungry, then this definitely speaks of an emotional problem. This is usually a secondary phenomenon. Emotional eating does not indicate the cause that causes it, but worsens our mental balance even more.

To deal with the problem, we need to recognize when we eat for various reasons than to provide our body with the energy and nutrients it needs. Impulsive satisfaction of the need for pleasure through food should be stopped by revising some habits that fail to follow a healthy diet.

Emotional eating is considered to be any consumption of food in order to achieve better self-esteem, not because of the need for energy. That is, if, for example, in a bad mood or satiety again reaches for chocolate.

Sweet stuff
Sweet stuff

The bad thing is when this habit grows into a means of dealing with emotional decline. The practice is mechanical - at any moment of loneliness, anger, stress, frustration, boredom, fatigue, the refrigerator opens impulsively. He falls into a vicious, unhealthy circle in which true feelings are suppressed and the problem is turned away.

Here are some signs by which you can determine if you have fallen into the clutches of emotional eating:

- You can not control the type of food;

- The availability of food makes you feel calm and secure;

Night eating
Night eating

- You eat when you are under stress;

- Eat regularly, even when you feel heaviness in the stomach;

- Eat when you are not hungry or continue to eat after feeling full;

- You reach for a treat to feel better or bored;

The bad thing is that no matter how hard you try, emotional hunger cannot be satisfied with food. Eating only helps for a moment, but the excitement and torment continue to work. Over time, the condition worsens, as unnecessarily consumed calories give a negative result in physical and emotional terms. A sense of guilt arises.

To stop the problem in its infancy, we need to be interested in ways to deal with our emotions and how to eat healthily. The reasons for the presence of such emotional eating are different and everyone must answer for themselves what feeling they are trying to achieve by eating a certain food, so that they can later find an adequate response to their real needs.
