How Much Nitrate Is It Permissible To Take Per Day?

How Much Nitrate Is It Permissible To Take Per Day?
How Much Nitrate Is It Permissible To Take Per Day?

Nitrates are chemical compounds that occur naturally in the environment, which are important nutrients for plants, but can also be added as preservatives to certain foods.

In some circumstances, drinking water can be a source of nitrates. Therefore, water for babies should be boiled.

Their concentration in fruits and vegetables is usually low. This depends on their method of cultivation, soil characteristics, temperature and fertilization time.

Nitrates in sausages
Nitrates in sausages

Outdoor vegetables have a lower nitrate content than those grown in heated greenhouses.

Measurement of nitrates
Measurement of nitrates

Nitrates are also added to bacon, ham, cheese and yellow cheese.

Nitrates in food
Nitrates in food

Nitrates have the following effects:

In infants, nitrates can interact with hemoglobin in red blood cells, leading to a condition known as methaemoglobinaemia. It makes the blood less efficient at transporting oxygen.

Although the data are insufficient, it is believed that there is a risk of developing cancer due to nitrate intake due to their carcinogenic nature.

A study in rats fed up to 10% sodium nitrate showed that there were no side effects other than growth retardation.

The study was then performed in dogs given up to 2% nitrate within 105 and 125 days, after which no side effects were observed.

From these two studies, the World Health Organization concludes that the permissible amount of nitrates per day should be less than 500 mg.

This is about 3.7 mg per kilogram of human weight - for 60 kg a person the amount of nitrates per day will be 222 mg.

As nitrates can come from a natural source, which makes it difficult to separate them from intentionally added ones, no significant health risks have been identified when consuming fruit and vegetables.

In Europe, the limits of nitrates in winter and summer are 3000 mg and 2000 mg per kilogram of fresh spinach.

Nitrates are not allowed in sausage, meat, grill, minced meat and sausages.
