How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?

How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?
How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?

Few nutrients are as important as protein. If you do not take enough, you may lack it, and this can affect your health and weight. However, there are very different opinions about this how much protein should you eat per day. Most formal nutrition organizations recommend a fairly modest protein intake.

DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams per kilogram.

This amounts to:

- 56 grams per day for the average person;

- 46 grams per day for a woman.

Although this may be enough to prevent deficiency, studies show that it is far from enough to ensure optimal health. It turns out that the right amount of protein for each individual depends on many factors, including the level of activity, age, muscle mass, physical goals and current health status.

This article discusses optimal amounts of protein and lifestyle factors such as weight loss, muscle building and activity levels.

Protein - what is it and why do you need it?

Proteins are the main building blocks of the body, building muscles, tendons and more. Without protein, life, as you know, would not be possible.

Proteins are smaller molecules called amino acids that are bound together like beads on a string. These linked amino acids form long protein chains that then fold into complex shapes.

Protein is important not only quantitatively but also qualitatively

In general, animal proteins provide all the necessary amino acids in the right proportions to make the most of them - which makes sense because animal tissues are similar to your own tissues.


If you eat animal products such as meat, fish, eggs or dairy products every day, you are probably already quite good in terms of protein content. However, if you don't eat animal foods, getting all the protein and essential amino acids your body needs is a little more of a challenge.

Protein helps to lose weight

Protein is incredibly important when it comes to weight loss. As you know, you need to eat fewer calories to lose weight. It is well supported by science that eating protein can increase the number of calories you burn by increasing your metabolism (calories) and reducing your appetite.

It can help you gain muscle mass

Muscles are largely made of protein. As with most tissues in your body, muscles are dynamic and constantly break down and repair. To get muscle, your body needs to synthesize more muscle protein than it breaks down.

Other circumstances that may increase protein needs

Without taking into account the goals of muscle mass and physique, people who are physically active need more protein than people who do not move as much. If your work is physical, you walk a lot, run, swim or do any exercise, you need to eat more protein.

Do proteins have any negative effects on health?

Protein has been unfairly blamed for a number of health problems. Some people believe that a high-protein diet can cause kidney damage and osteoporosis.
