Coffee Was More Useful Than Fruit

Coffee Was More Useful Than Fruit
Coffee Was More Useful Than Fruit

There is much debate about the benefits and harms of coffee, but here's the good news for those who are fans of the bitter drink.

Scientists have found that the benefits of various foods, including fruits, vegetables and nuts, are significantly less than 1-2 cups coffee.


"Coffee contains antioxidants. They are able to fight diseases such as diabetes and successfully fight free radicals that destroy the structure of cells," said the study's authors.

Antioxidants are natural compounds that prevent the oxidation of active chemicals in the body's cells. This in turn reduces the risk of developing various diseases.

Coffee with cream
Coffee with cream

According to scientists, coffee with caffeine and equally without caffeine is equally useful.

An adult who consumes coffee, the average daily intake of about 1299 mg of antioxidants from the black drink. It's almost a cup and a half of coffee. For comparison, a cup of tea contains 294 mg of antioxidants.

According to scientists, the best dose of coffee a day is exactly a cup and a half.

Some time ago, a team of Japanese scientists spoke in defense of coffee. They proved that one glass a day reduces the risk of diseases such as liver cancer, Parkinson's disease and some types of diabetes.

But! However, it is also true that excessive use can lead to heart disease, insomnia and high blood pressure.
