Whey - Anti-aging And Obesity Balm

Whey - Anti-aging And Obesity Balm
Whey - Anti-aging And Obesity Balm

Whey is a by-product of the preparation of cheese or cottage cheese. Usually the hostess pours it without knowing about its valuable qualities.

Whey is extremely useful for our body and is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It consists of 93. 7% water, but the remaining 6. 3% include many useful substances.

These are mainly proteins which, thanks to the essential amino acids, are involved in the process of hematopoiesis and in the synthesis of liver proteins. Milk fat is well absorbed and improves the activity of enzymes. Milk sugar - lactose, prevents the formation of fat and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Whey is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, choline, biotin and nicotinic acid, as well as calcium, magnesium and probiotic bacteria.

How does this composition affect our body?

1. The decomposition of lactose contained in whey helps to regulate the intestinal microflora, slows down the processes of flatulence and putrefaction. It is recommended to be taken before meals, as it reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

2. In case of vitamin deficiency and strengthening of immunity. Whey contains a large amount of water-soluble vitamins, it helps to fill the vitamin deficiency and even replace the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists advise to drink a glass of whey every morning to boost immunity.

3. In the fight against obesity. Vitamin B contained in the serum helps to activate the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. It is recommended that those who are obese and have a sedentary lifestyle drink this serum.

4. In the fight against stress and depression. Vitamin B group can also have a positive effect on our emotional state. Potassium helps to combat fatigue, improve memory and concentrate. The serum prevents the development of stress hormones and even increases the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin.

Whey - anti-aging and obesity balm
Whey - anti-aging and obesity balm

5. Cosmetic properties - low molecular weight proteins contained in whey promote cell growth and renewal. This has a beneficial effect on our skin and hair.

The serum contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process. Now in commercial networks you can find a range of cosmetics prepared on the basis of whey.

Whey helps remove excess fluid from the body along with toxins and toxins, as well as bad cholesterol. Dozens of food products are prepared on the basis of whey, and in terms of protein composition it is closest to breast milk.

You do not need to buy the serum from stores, you can prepare it yourself.

Example: Pour one liter of pasteurized milk into a metal container and put on the fire. When the milk starts to boil, add lemon juice - stir it quickly and remove from the heat, the milk should be divided into whey and cottage cheese, strain the mixture through a sieve or gauze. Then put the yogurt back on the fire and bring to a boil. Once lumps of cottage cheese appear on the surface, remove from heat and allow to cool, strain and you have obtained whey.

Whey - anti-aging and obesity balm
Whey - anti-aging and obesity balm

From the resulting product you can prepare cocktails for health and beauty.

Here is one of them:

Take 250 ml of whey, 100 g of raw puree of your favorite fruits, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. sugar and cinnamon to taste. Mix all products in a blender, stir and pour the mixture into a glass.

By taking the serum every day you improve and cleanse your skin.

Whey is truly a universal product and has many useful properties and due to its high potassium content, it is effective in combating cellulite.

Here are some masks using whey:

1. Take whey and cottage cheese. Mix equal amounts until smooth. Apply on the skin of the face and hold for 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. You will see the effect almost immediately!

2. Morning face mask: mix 1 egg, 1 tbsp. flour and 2 tbsp. whey, apply the mixture on your face and hold for 15 minutes, wash off with cold water. This massage is an excellent cleanser, after which your skin will take a breath of fresh air!
