These Are The Foods That Accelerate Aging

These Are The Foods That Accelerate Aging
These Are The Foods That Accelerate Aging

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Consumption of foods that seem harmless to us can actually have an adverse effect on the body. The food we eat can also accelerate aging. That is why it is important to try to eat healthy.

Here are some foods that accelerate aging, the consumption of which it is advisable to limit.

Trans fat

They weaken the blood flow to the skin. As a result, premature aging of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. Trans fats are found in margarine, fried foods, canned glaze, fast food and much more.


Sugar intake destroys proteins and lipids. When a large amount of sugar is consumed, a process called glycation begins. With it, the body cannot process the available amount of sugar. As a result, glucose binds to lipids and proteins. Proteins in the body are responsible for the firmness of the skin.

This process disrupts collagen production and accelerates the formation of wrinkles. Excessive use of sugar is responsible for damage to health, sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles, weight gain and in general it is one of the main aging foods.


Alcohol is aging
Alcohol is aging

It is among the harmful products responsible for the appearance of toxins in the body. This does not mean that no amount of alcohol should be consumed. In small amounts, it can even be useful. But in no case should it be overdone.

Frequent consumption of alcohol will damage the liver. As a result, it is difficult to get rid of toxins from our body and they accumulate. Accumulated toxins in the liver are responsible for the formation of wrinkles, acne, collagen is lost. The skin is elastic, dehydrated, swollen and reddened.


Coffee and caffeinated beverages in general make our skin dry. Caffeine is a diuretic and causes the body to expel fluids. If you can't give up coffee, just drink an extra cup of water to each cup of coffee to keep your skin hydrated.


Salt retains water in the body. This causes swelling, dehydration and shrinkage of the cells. The spice is considered food causing premature aging. Salt is present in harmful foods such as pizza, biscuits, chips, cereals, cheese and others.
