Types Of Moussaka Fillings

Types Of Moussaka Fillings
Types Of Moussaka Fillings

For some, moussaka topping is the most delicious part of this dish. The golden crust, which is formed during baking, is not only beautiful, but also very tasty. If done correctly, the filling becomes juicy, but at its top it is crispy.

There are different types of moussaka toppings. One of them is the traditional Bulgarian topping, which consists of 1 cup of yogurt, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of flour and a pinch of salt.

Moussaka with topping
Moussaka with topping

Beat the egg well, add it to the yoghurt, then add the flour and salt and mix everything well so that there are no lumps. The filling can be used in this form or heated slightly in a water bath with constant stirring. Then pour over the moussaka and bake for ten minutes until golden.

Another variant of moussaka filling is the use of cream and butter. Pour a thick layer of whipped cream over the moussaka, in which a little yoghurt is added to make it more liquid. Put a few pieces of butter on top and return the moussaka to the oven.

Moussaka dressing is also prepared from cream with egg. Mix 350 milliliters of liquid cream with 1 egg, 1 pinch of salt and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Pour this mixture over the moussaka and bake until golden in the oven.


Béchamel sauce is also used to fill the moussaka. It is prepared from 100 grams of butter, 500 milliliters of milk, 2 tablespoons of flour, salt, 100 milliliters of broth.

Fry the flour until golden in the flour, add the broth in a thin stream and then the milk and salt, all mix well to become a thick homogeneous mixture. Pour the moussaka over it and bake until golden.

To make the moussaka topping more fragrant, add your favorite spices to taste. You can also add a handful of finely chopped green spices - dill, parsley, celery leaves. This will make the moussaka even tastier.

To make the upper part of the moussaka crust more crunchy, after pouring the topping, spread beaten yolk on top and 1-2 pieces of butter on it.
