Growing Zucchini

Growing Zucchini
Growing Zucchini

You can grow delicious zucchini yourself, the ecological origin of which you will be absolutely sure of. To give your zucchini a rich harvest, you need to cultivate the land in the fall.

The soil is then dug to a depth of 25 centimeters, with 3 kilograms of natural manure and 20 grams of superphosphate per square meter.

In the early spring days, the soil is dug up again to retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing in the zucchini area.

Garden zucchini
Garden zucchini

Before planting the zucchini, the soil is dug very well to a depth of 10 centimeters. As soon as the seedlings are planted, the zucchini should be watered.

Zucchini need a lot of water during flowering, as well as in the formation of the vegetables themselves on the plant.

Zucchini have a powerful root system that requires abundant watering - about 25 liters of water per square meter of the vegetable bed.


Watering the zucchini should not be overdone, because they will begin to rot. If a rotten part is noticed on the shaped vegetable itself, it is cut off. The zucchini continues to grow, covering the cut part with a hard rind.

It is recommended to plant no more than 3 zucchini per square meter. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers or other varieties of zucchini near zucchini. This can cause excessive pollination with unpredictable results for plant seeds.

Zucchini should be regularly weeded and watered. Once it begins to harvest, the zucchini is harvested once or twice a week so that the zucchini do not become too large. Large zucchini taste worse than tender ones and also prevent new zucchini from growing.

To increase pollination, you can increase the amount of insects by spraying them with a solution of 100 grams of sugar in 1 liter of water during the flowering of zucchini. In order not to poison the insects, the plants are not sprayed with chemicals.
