What Are The Most Vitamin Soups?

What Are The Most Vitamin Soups?
What Are The Most Vitamin Soups?

Soups and stews are dishes that are prepared by cooking, and which can have a variety of compositions. This means that they can be meat, vegetable, mixed, dairy and even fruit. They can also be hot or cold, with or without construction, etc.

What is common to all soups, however, is that they are usually served at lunch as a first course and are intended to prepare the digestive tract to accept food and increase appetite.

They are widely used in the diet menu and are extremely suitable for the prevention of many diseases. But perhaps most importantly, if cooked properly, they are also very vitamin-rich, which makes them a great source of energy. Here are the 5 most useful and vitamin soups according to experts:

1. Leafy vegetable soup

Whether you choose to use nettle, spinach, dock or other green leafy vegetables, it is important not to let them boil for a long time, because this way you will lose many of their nutrients, including vitamins. Be sure to add the carrots and onions for at least 20 minutes before adding the leafy vegetables, which do not need more than 5-10 minutes to get ready.

Green soup
Green soup

2. Fruit soups

Choose not only vitamin-rich fruits, but also those that are in season. Otherwise, you risk the fruits not being so fresh, and therefore not as vitamin-rich.

3. Borsch

This traditional soup for Russia, Ukraine and Moldova is made with a lot of vegetables, which makes it a real vitamin bomb. In most cases, red beets are added to it, which has valuable antioxidant properties.


4. Almost all Asian soups

In this case we are talking about those Asian soups that are prepared with sprouts and / or seaweed, which are an inexhaustible source of energy and are extremely useful.

Asian soup
Asian soup

5. Almost all cold vegetable soups

With the exception of our well-known tarator, which is also very useful, but not so rich in vitamins, almost all cold vegetable soups, including gazpacho, are very vitamin for the simple reason that the products are not subjected to heat treatment.
