Delicious Ideas For Dietary Dishes

Video: Delicious Ideas For Dietary Dishes

Video: Delicious Ideas For Dietary Dishes
Video: Healthy Recipes With Gordon Ramsay 2024, September
Delicious Ideas For Dietary Dishes
Delicious Ideas For Dietary Dishes

Dietary dishes can also be very tasty, as long as you use a variety of products.

Mushroom and tofu pate is delicious and light. Ingredients: 300 grams of tofu, 300 grams of mushrooms, 1 bunch of green onions, dill, rosemary, salt and pepper to taste. Stew the mushrooms until they are ready, add salt and pepper.

Finely chopped tofu and green onions are added when you remove the mushrooms from the heat. Everything goes well. It can be served as a hot or cold dish.

Bean salad: 1 can of red beans, oil, green onions, dill, garlic, coriander, salt and pepper. Drain the beans from the liquid and fry in the fat, it is good to add a little olive oil for flavor.

Add salt and pepper and remove from the heat. Add the chopped onion, garlic, dill and finally the coriander. Serve straight from the pan, but can also be served cold. If the dish is warm, it can be served with crotons.

Delicious ideas for dietary dishes
Delicious ideas for dietary dishes

Vegetable meatballs: 3 potatoes, half a small cabbage, 2 carrots, 1 red beet, 3 cloves garlic, 300 grams of mushrooms, 2 onions, parsley, spices, baking soda on the tip of a knife, 1 cup oatmeal, 4 tablespoons flour.

The vegetables are ground in a meat grinder or with a food processor, spices are added to taste, chopped parsley, soda is quenched with vinegar.

Pour a little hot water over the oatmeal until it swells. Drain and add to the vegetables. Put 3-4 tablespoons of flour in the mixture and mix everything well.

Using a spoon, form meatballs of the desired size and fry in hot oil. Keep in mind that if the meatballs are very large, they may remain raw in the middle.

Lean cake: 1 cup strong black tea, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup honey, half a cup vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon vinegar, baking soda, flour, raisins, dates or other dried fruits.

Dissolve the sugar and honey in the tea, add the butter and the soda quenched with a little vinegar, the dried fruits. Mix well, gradually adding the flour.

The dough should be thick with cream. Pour on baking paper in the form of a cake or pan and bake at a temperature of 160 degrees.

The finished crusts are combined with jam or cream as desired. You can decorate with fresh fruit according to the season or compote.
