How To Prepare The Perfect Egg

How To Prepare The Perfect Egg
How To Prepare The Perfect Egg

If you know a little more scientific facts about cooking eggs, this will help you prepare the perfect egg, or so-called 65-degree egg.

Both master chefs and gourmets around the world are captivated by the 65-degree egg. This is an egg that has been cooked for a long time at a temperature of 65 degrees.

But the recipes for the perfect egg are not as scientific as they should be, says chef Caesar Vega, who is also a scientist in the field of nutrition.

At a meeting of the American Chemical Society, Vega explained how cooking can become a way to engage society with science.

Perfect egg
Perfect egg

He used the 65-degree egg as an example. This is cooking in a vacuum - in eggs this role is played by the shell at low temperature.

According to popular belief, when eggs are boiled and the water temperature reaches the desired value, it does not matter how long the eggs are boiled. According to Vega, this is not the case.

When the egg is cooked, the proteins in the yolk undergo a process known as denaturing. Proteins are subjected to this process with the help of strong chemicals or in the case of the egg - with heat.

65 Degree Egg
65 Degree Egg

According to popular belief, at 67 degrees water, the proteins in the egg yolk begin to coagulate, but according to Vega, this is not true. According to him, everything depends on the thermal history of the preparation of the egg.

According to him, this can be achieved with water heated to 35 degrees, as long as the egg stays in it longer. When the egg is boiled, this happens much faster.

Vega has created a table for master chefs, according to which they can create eggs of different consistency. If the proteins in the egg are less denatured, it may look like mayonnaise. At a certain temperature, the egg can look like honey and also like confectionery icing.

The science of making eggs extends to other foods, such as kisses made from egg whites and sugar. Lemon juice is often added to the protein. According to Vega, because lemon juice is an acid, it prevents broken proteins from falling.
