In Which Diseases Does Royal Jelly Help?

In Which Diseases Does Royal Jelly Help?
In Which Diseases Does Royal Jelly Help?

In appearance, royal jelly is a very thick whitish liquid. It has a characteristic odor and a very sour taste. It contains many nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates, proteins and all B vitamins.

In addition, all amino acids are found in its composition. It is to this symbiosis of ingredients that royal jelly owes its biological and healing activity.

The composition of royal jelly is everything necessary for the construction and healthy existence of the human body. Its intake has the ability to increase tone. It has a positive effect on the heart and improves metabolism. It also increases hemoglobin in the blood.

As a medicine, royal jelly is taken internally in its natural form. Take in the morning on an empty stomach 180-200 mg or divided in the morning and noon. Do not take in the evening as it can lead to insomnia. Prophylactic treatment with it for all diseases lasts two months, twice a year.

In different diseases, the product is taken differently. This is how:

- In rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, take 120 to 500 mg in the morning or in the morning and at noon, 2 hours before each meal;

- In all diseases related to metabolism, 100 to 200 mg of royal jelly is recommended. It is divided and taken in the morning and at noon an hour before meals;

- In cardiovascular diseases and myocarditis royal jelly is taken 3 times a day at 10 mg 1 hour before meals. It can be both natural and canned;

Bee products
Bee products

- After a heart attack for 10 days, take 10 mg of the product. In the next 10 days, take 20 mg, and in the next 10 - 30 mg. In the next month it is accepted in reverse order. It should be taken an hour before a meal;

- Royal jelly is also recommended for anemia. For this purpose, 150-180 ml of natural product is taken in the morning, 2 hours before meals, or divided in the morning and at lunch;

- In bronchial asthma, natural or canned royal jelly is taken 80-100 mg once or twice an hour before meals;

- In conditions of hypertension, hypotension and inflammation of the kidneys, 120 mg of royal jelly is taken in the morning and at noon an hour before meals;

- In angina 4 times a day under the tongue put tablets of 20 mg of royal jelly;

- Diseases of the central nervous system are treated with 40 to 60 mg of royal jelly. It is taken in the morning and at noon about an hour before meals;

- Atherosclerosis is treated with 300 mg of royal jelly, divided into morning and lunch dose an hour before meals;

- In addition to all diseases, any skin disease responds well to royal jelly, and the affected area is smeared with natural or honey-preserved royal jelly.
