

Star / Stellaria media / is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant. The stem is 10-40 cm long, recumbent or ascending, strongly branched. The colors of the star are 6-8 mm in diameter. The herb blooms in all months of the year.

The star is also known as sparrow intestines, bird grass, mousetrap and middle star.

The star is usually found in settlements, along roads and yards, near fences, like weeds in the fields. It grows throughout the country up to 1500 meters above sea level.

For some people, the star was a weed, and for others - a valuable vegetable and medicine for various problems. In the first century, the Greek physician Dioscorides wrote that the star can be used with cornmeal for eye inflammation, and the juice of the herb helps with ear pain. In the past they gave asterisk as a tonic for malnourished children.

Composition of an asterisk

The star contains carotene, saponins, vitamins C and E. It also contains coumarins, flavonoids, mucous substances, fatty acids, minerals, triterpene saponins. Many of the ingredients with the herb are still undetected.

Collection and storage of an asterisk

Collect the aboveground part of asterisk, which is harvested during flowering - April-September. Properly dried herb can be stored for up to two years. The star can also be purchased from pharmacies or specialized herbal stores.

Benefits of an asterisk

The star used to treat wounds and remove boils. The herb has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Widely used to treat hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, bleeding.

Herb Star
Herb Star

In China, the asterisk is used as a cooling herb for fevers, to stop heavy menstruation and nosebleeds.

Due to its good diuretic properties, it is recommended for some kidney problems, but caution is recommended when using them in these cases.

The herb has a regenerative effect on injuring the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin. Asterisk is a good source of vitamin C and other nutrients. Asterisk relieves nasal congestion, cough and colds. Among other things, the herb is a diuretic and a mild laxative.

Folk medicine with an asterisk

2 tbsp. asterisk boil with 500 ml of boiling water and boil for about 5 minutes. The resulting decoction is filtered and drunk in 100 ml, 3 times daily before meals. This infusion can also be used externally - for rinsing cystitis, wounds, gout and various inflammations.

Decoctions of fresh herbs are used as a cleansing tonic that helps with fatigue and weakness. Star tinctures are added to remedies for rheumatism.

A paw made from the fresh plant is applied to boils, abscesses and painful joints. Fresh star juice is used externally or internally to treat skin problems.

Harm from an asterisk

Although the asterisk can be used for some kidney problems, it should be used with extreme caution because it can cause the opposite effect. For this reason, its use should be agreed with a doctor.

The recommended dose should not be exceeded, because high doses can have negative effects not only on the kidneys, but also lead to heart problems.
