Rules For Cutting Eggplant

Rules For Cutting Eggplant
Rules For Cutting Eggplant

In most dishes, eggplant must be sliced before cooking. There are two main ways to cut delicious vegetables.

The first is to cut into circles, which is great and convenient for most dishes that require eggplant. The second is - on strips, which is suitable for preparing layered dishes such as moussaka and vegetable lasagna.

Cutting eggplant into circles


The round eggplant slices are made with the simplest cut. There is nothing complicated about them. The circles are very suitable for baking, preparing delicious dishes such as eggplant with parmesan.

Remember that eggplant loses moisture and shrinks when cooked. To compensate for this, cut pieces of blue tomato at least twice the size you will need for the dish you are going to prepare.

Cutting eggplant into strips

Longitudinally cut eggplant slices are good for roasting layered dishes in which you want the vegetables to cover a larger area. To make them, first place the eggplant upright and cut the peel on both sides, along with some of the meat. This is optional, but makes the finished pieces of blue tomato more fleshy and have a better color and taste when cooked.

Greek moussaka
Greek moussaka

Once you have removed the bark, it is easy. In the upright position, simply cut down the length of the eggplant. The thickness of the pieces depends on the needs of the dish you are preparing.

Choice of eggplant

When choosing blue tomatoes, look for the smallest possible vegetables you can find. This is recommended because their meat is tenderer and less fibrous than older and larger ones.

The best for consumption are eggplants in the period August-October. Only 100 grams of this vegetable contain over 80 useful nutrients. Aries vitamins and minerals the eggplant it also contains important phytonutrients that have proven antioxidant properties.

Some of them are phenolic compounds such as caffeic and chlorogenic acids, and others are flavonoids - mainly nasunin.

To practice your skills in the culinary processing of eggplant, we offer you several delicious recipes: Stuffed eggplant rolls, Eggplant stew, Breaded eggplant, Stuffed eggplant, Imambayaldi, Eggplant dip, Marinated fried eggplant, Burek from eggplant.
