Beef Cutting

Beef Cutting
Beef Cutting

Beef can hardly replace pork in the Bulgarian culinary tradition. This is the reason why most terms that refer to beef and its preparation come from German, French, English and even Spanish.

In our country, unlike other European countries and the whole of North and South America, there are no old and established traditions for raising calves and cows for meat. They are mainly grown with priority for milk and dairy products. And the hosts associate the beef mainly with boiled beef and with the butcher shops, which most often have shawl, weissbrat, beef with bone and beef for cooking.

However, in the last seven or eight years in Bulgaria an increasing group of beef lovers has emerged. This leads to the need for information about its methods of slicing.

Usually the hardest part is slicing the meat. There are a number of cutting schemes. In Bulgaria, a classifier for pruning according to BDS has been used since the 1960s. However, importers, traders and cooks prefer to use the systems of the countries where the meat is produced, especially North American.

Beef stew
Beef stew

The beginning is the same for everyone. After slaughter, the meat is divided into front and back. Each of them is then cut into smaller pieces according to the relevant regional and legal requirements.

The neck is additionally cut to the 7th rib from top to bottom. It can be cooked in a closed dish, boneless for baking or in the form of a boneless neck steak for grilling after marinating.

The shoulder is muscular. Steaks and medallions are made from it. It is ideal for soups and beef broths. Cook slowly, preferably in a closed dish of stew - beef bourguignon or burgundy beef.

The back is the rib part of the carcass. From it is cut the famous ribeye steak, which is also known as scotch fillet, anthracite, club or just fish. The best way to cook it is on a pan or on the grill. From the back it is also wonderfully baked with bone or without bone. The ribs can be separated and cooked in a closed barbecue with a lot of marinade.

From the waist part of the animal are cut the most beloved by connoisseurs pieces of meat - fish, culottes or kilos. From the back of the belt, the bon fillet and the counter fillet are separated. Grilled steaks, medallions with different sauces and roast beef are prepared from bon fillets.


From the front and back of the belt there is a counter-fillet, which is prepared roasted and on steaks, as well as the famous Chateaubriand, invented by Napoleon's chef and served with Demiglas sauce.

From the front of the animal are separated stacks of tee-boon, porterhouse and strip stack, also known as New York steak, when it is boneless. They are used to make steaks and the popular Milanese schnitzels - gently flavored, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried very quickly in butter.

The hips or groin are usually referred to as steak fillets. The truth is that they are best suited for baking or for slow and long stewing. When grilling or in a closed oven, it is good to pre-marinate.

The shol and the weisbrat are separated from the thigh, respectively, from the inner and outer part, apple and kilo / culotte. Cook over low heat, dry roast.

A colorful piece for slow cooking is separated from the chest, as well as the famous pastrami. In Texas, it is rubbed with dry spices and baked for a long time in indirect heat.

A flank stack is cut from the calf's belly. It can be cooked in a pan or broiler.

The shank can be front and back, the front releases a lot of gelatin during cooking and the broth can be used for jelly dishes.

The famous ox tail soup is prepared from the tail of the calf. For the inner parts of the wheat - tongue, liver, stomach, brain and others, there are countless recipes from all over the world.
