New Rules For Food Labeling

New Rules For Food Labeling
New Rules For Food Labeling

According to the new European rules for food labeling, allergens must be written on a colored background, in colorful letters or in a different font from the rest of the information.

However, the new law does not make it clear whether it is necessary for dangerous substances to be written in the menus of restaurants or a board with the necessary information should be placed in a sufficiently visible place. These are the reasons why restaurant owners do not know what to do.

The size of the letters with which the allergens will be written must be at least 1.2 mm. In case the package is less than 80 sq. Cm, the height of the letters cannot be less than 0.9 mm.

With a packaging surface of 10 sq. Cm, the requirement is that consumers be informed only about certain data. These are the name of the product, the ingredients that could cause allergies, the net quantity of the product and its shelf life.

The new rules clearly state that the manufacturer will be liable for non-compliance. Recently, very often retail chains offer different types of goods under their own brands - the so-called white brands. Very often there is no information on their labels about who the manufacturer is.

For any discrepancies on the label, the responsibility will be borne by the stores, regardless of whether the manufacturer is different. The requirement to provide information on the origin of food is also new.


At this stage, there are similar requirements only for beef and veal, but from April 1, 2015 such information will have to be given for other types of meat - sheep, goat, chicken and pork.

There will also be changes in the sale of food online - the expiration date of the order made by the customer must be announced before the contract is executed. At this stage, Brussels has not decided how trans fats will be written on food labels.

If it is proven that these fats are harmful, our country will support the ban on their use in food production. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency says it will give producers some time before imposing fines.

Professor Plamen Mollov, who is the director of the agency, says that inspections will be made related to the new requirements, but it is normal to give some time to the producers. He explains that this period will be about two to three months, in which no acts and fines will be imposed on violators, but only prescriptions will be written.

Professor Mollov is convinced that this period is a sufficient compromise on the part of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency. The new requirements for the labeling of goods came into force at the end of last week.
