What Are The New Rules For Food In Kindergartens

What Are The New Rules For Food In Kindergartens
What Are The New Rules For Food In Kindergartens

New rules in kindergartens are expected to take effect from the beginning of 2018. The amounts of salt and sugar will be reduced at the expense of more fruits and vegetables in the menu for the kids. This became clear from a statement for BNT by Prof. Stefka Petrova from the National Center for Public Health and Analysis.

According to the new collection of recipes for meals in kindergartens in the menu for children will be more useful plant foods and less harmful spices, flour. He will follow the Bulgarian model of nutrition. If approved, children will eat traditional Bulgarian dishes more often.

The state allocates BGN 2.5 per child in kindergartens. The goal is for this money to cover both a healthy menu and at least one seasonal fruit per day for each child. The menu will also include modern and more expensive foods, such as avocado, chia and quinoa. In order to get the money, they will not be on the kids' daily menu, but will be included for variety.


Photo: Elena

The National Center for Public Health recommends that the children's menu include unsalted cheese. The reason is that the usual contains 3.5 to 4 g of salt, which is above all permissible levels for a child. In addition, efforts will be made to limit sugars and sweets.

The changes are gaining widespread public support. The most important thing, according to psychologists, is how the children themselves will react to the new regime. Kindergarten is the first place where kids can learn how to live healthy and this will definitely be a good start for them.
