Tips For Making A Delicious Easter Cake

Tips For Making A Delicious Easter Cake
Tips For Making A Delicious Easter Cake

The holidays around Easter are associated by most of us with Christian traditions, cozy family gatherings and delicious temptations typical for this time of year. The days around it can not pass without painting eggs and without our favorite sweet temptation - homemade Easter cake.

Today ready Easter cakes are available everywhere - not only in supermarkets but also in bakeries. However, the preparation of this typical for the holiday Easter ritual bread is a tradition that is worth learning - the taste of warm homemade Easter cake cannot be compared to anything else.

Most people find the Easter cake recipe extremely difficult. Even if you follow all the steps, the end result is unsatisfactory and sometimes even desperate.

The truth is that making Easter cake has some subtleties. No matter the level of your culinary skills, if you are not aware of them, it simply will not work. Here are some tips.

Easter bread
Easter bread

1. Arm yourself with patience. Making a quality Easter cake will take a big part of your day. For most of it, it will rise or bake, but your presence is necessary.

2. Sift the flour. For a fluffy Easter cake on strings, this step is absolutely mandatory. It is desirable that this happens even a few times.

3. Many experts believe that the best Easter cake is obtained when mixing vegetable and animal fat. Recommendations - oil and lard, for example. You can also use oil.

4. To get the texture of the threads, dissolve the sugar from the recipe in warm milk.

5. On the day of making Easter cake, absolutely forget about ventilating the room in which you will make it. And get ready for the heat. To make the Easter cake good, it must be prepared at a room temperature above 35 degrees. This condition is absolutely mandatory when kneading.

6. And as for kneading the Easter cake - it should be as long as possible and as vigorously as possible. Hitting the dough 100 times on the table is a myth. Remember, however: knead for a very long time!

7. The most important part of the Easter cake is the rising. It must rise three times. The first time - for about an hour, until the dough triples in volume.

Tips for homemade Easter cake
Tips for homemade Easter cake

Leave it in a bowl, cover it with foil and find a warm place in your home. This can be next to a radiator or under the air conditioner, for example.

The second rising is after adding the raisins, almonds, orange peel and the additives you love. The Easter cake is left again to double in volume. The third leavening - just before baking, as well as during it.

8. Do not fill the baking tin with dough. As we said, the third leavening takes place while the Easter cake is being baked. This means that it will double or triple its original volume.

9. One of the problems of many housewives - raisins and other additives remain at the bottom when baking. The secret - soak them in a small amount of rum or cognac, roll them in flour and only then add them to the dough during the second kneading, just before the second leavening.

10. While the Easter cake is baking, do not open the oven for any reason. For the right degrees, follow the recipe for cooking it, because they depend entirely on the amount of products, size and shape of your Easter cakes.

11. And finally - the advice of professional chefs and all who believe in traditions and rituals - the Easter cake is being prepared with good thoughts and a smile. Despite the long and tiring kneading.
