The Most Delicious And Light Dessert For Easter Is Easter

The Most Delicious And Light Dessert For Easter Is Easter
The Most Delicious And Light Dessert For Easter Is Easter

The most popular Easter dessert in Russia is the so-called Easter / from the Russian word meaning "Easter" /. It has been prepared for hundreds of years, the main ingredient in it being cottage cheese.

It is safest to make boiled Easter, as it avoids the moment of adding raw eggs. This can sometimes lead to unpleasant problems such as salmonella.

According to Russian nutritionists, this dessert was probably invented in ancient times as a transition from fasting to fatty foods. Easter is eaten right on Easter, along with Easter cakes and eggs.

After long fasts, everyone will be happy to try this light and airy dessert, which is practically a thick cream. To do this, you will need cottage cheese - 800 grams, if possible less fat.

You also need the yolks of five eggs and a cup of sugar-free liquid cream. In the absence of such you can replace it with fresh milk with higher fat content.

You will also need vanilla, a tea cup of powdered sugar, 200 grams of quality butter. If desired, you can use finely chopped dried fruits, walnuts, raisins.

Wrap the curd in gauze or a thin cloth, put it in a colander and squeeze with something heavy. The colander should be above the pan to drain excess liquid from the curd.

Mix the yolks with the sugar until white and add the vanilla and cream. Put on a low heat and cook until thickened, stirring constantly.

Once thickened, remove from the heat and add the butter. Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Drain the curd, rub through a colander or fine sieve and add to the cooled egg mixture.

Add the dried fruits, nuts and raisins if you wish. Easter is delicious without them. Wrap the dessert in a damp thin cloth or gauze, put in a form and squeeze with something heavy.

After 12 hours in the refrigerator, turn over on a beautiful plate and decorate as desired.
