From The Depths Of Molecular Cuisine

From The Depths Of Molecular Cuisine
From The Depths Of Molecular Cuisine

Molecular cuisine is a relatively new phenomenon in culinary circles, which is beginning to gain more and more popularity. Some see it as a science, while others see it as an art accessible only to a select group of gourmets.

This interesting view of food is actually the intersection of cooking and chemistry. At the heart of this trend, dating back to the 1960s in the United States, is the division of provisions into molecules through various culinary techniques and their re-collection thereafter.

The techniques used in the transformation of one dish into another are extremely diverse and often border on science fiction - dehydration, addition of gelling ingredients (mostly agar-agar), calcium baths, layering and more. The end results are often likened to real works of art - small, sophisticated and beautiful.

The main forms of this type of cuisine are jelly consistencies, mousses, purees and foams. In the restaurants that offer molecular cuisine, there are no separate dishes, but tasting menus that contain over 15 dishes.

Mousse soup
Mousse soup

Of course, although many think that with such a menu they will overeat, this is not the case. The dishes are 50-60 grams, aesthetically designed and served with a long-handled spoon to scoop from all layers.

The work of modern molecular gastronomy is the popular foam, which is used for decoration and garnish in many gourmet restaurants. An interesting method used by this kitchen is the so-called Su-vid. This is an innovative slow cooking process in which food is vacuumed and cooked at a low temperature in warm water.

As a matter of fact, although not very popular at this stage, molecular cuisine offers a whole new reading of our familiar food.

Haute cuisine
Haute cuisine

Only with it you can try an unusual combination of taste and shape - for example, hard coffee or black bread in the form of gelatin balls, also spicy ice cream, caviar with chocolate. Souffle soup, yogurt pearls or foam crabs are also a trademark of molecular restaurants.

As you can guess, the feeling is intended only for sophisticated chefs who are able to appreciate the strange combinations and whose stomach withstands experimentation.
