Six Steps To Prepare The Perfect Mussels

Six Steps To Prepare The Perfect Mussels
Six Steps To Prepare The Perfect Mussels

Many believe that mussels are not a food to eat, as they purify the water and plunder all marine litter. At the same time, however, mussels are a seafood delicacy that can be prepared deliciously, easily and quickly.

In fact, during their heat treatment they do not need more than a few minutes to become delicious, and they are also a suitable food that we could serve to our guests. However, here's what you need to know if you want to make delicious mussels:

1. Mussels must be thoroughly washed and cleaned. No one will enjoy eating well-stewed mussels, which, in addition to smelling and looking wonderful, also have grains of sand, which with each bite remind of their existence.

2. The mussels are cleaned by removing the growth that gives in to them with a sharp movement of the hand. In addition, after you have cleaned them of algae and other unnecessary formations stuck to their shells, you should rinse them with at least some water.

3. In order to prepare really tasty mussels, you must be near them during their heat treatment. The moment their shells start to open, the mussels are ready to eat. It doesn't matter if you boil them or stew them with wine, oil or spices. You just have to follow them. If you miss the moment to remove the mussels from the stove, they will become too dry.

Risotto with mussels
Risotto with mussels

4. In order for mussels to be delicious, they must be fresh. Although you can't tell for sure if this is the case, always make sure the mussels have their shells closed. If they are open, this is a sure sign that they are at least a few days old, and in addition to not being delicious, they may even be spoiled. And everyone knows that spoiled mussels can easily be poisoned.

5. Most mussel lovers consume them stewed with very little wine and drizzled with butter or olive oil, finely chopped garlic and aromatic spices. If you do not have wine, you can replace it with beer, and the preferred spice in the preparation of mussels is dill or parsley, but always fresh.

6. With mussels goes well with freshly prepared tomato sauce, in which you can put basil and oregano. Another way of consumption is by preparing sea risotto or paella.
