How To Clean The Kitchen Board In The Summer

How To Clean The Kitchen Board In The Summer
How To Clean The Kitchen Board In The Summer

The cutting board is one of the most used tools in the kitchen - it is convenient and makes cutting meat, vegetables and fruits a pleasant activity. However, this tool must be used with great care, because improper washing can endanger our health.

This is stated by experts quoted by Western publications, who point out that rinsing with soap and water during the summer months is not enough for the perfect cleaning of our board.

Soap and water cannot protect the kitchen board from foodborne pathogens and even expensive brands of cleaning products find it difficult to deal with them. That is why you always clean your boards conscientiously and especially during the hot months, the experts from Expert Home Tips are categorical.


According to them, the uncleaned boards on which raw meat has been cut, in which the insidious bacteria Escherichia coli and salmonella can be hidden, are especially dangerous. They cause serious stomach upsets in the summer and a bunch of other health problems.

To avoid such negative consequences, experts recommend that after use, kitchen boards should be thoroughly wiped with a homemade scrub made of baking soda, salt and a little water.

Another effective way to completely disinfect the cutting tool is to use bleach. However, you have to be very careful with it, because it is quite aggressive and dangerous.
