Eggplant Reduces Bad Cholesterol

Eggplant Reduces Bad Cholesterol
Eggplant Reduces Bad Cholesterol

One of the most effective methods for preventing and treating atherosclerosis is increased consumption of eggplant.

It was found that the so-called. Blue tomatoes help reduce bad cholesterol in the body. As a result of its regular intake, its amount in the blood and in the walls of the blood vessels is significantly reduced.

Eggplants are extremely rich in potassium. It helps the heart muscle to function more smoothly. It also favors the easy excretion of excess fluids from the body.

Swelling caused by heart failure also responds well, thanks to blue tomatoes.

They are also useful for urinary tract problems because they increase the excretion of uric acid salts along with urine.

The bitterness of eggplant is due to the glycoalkaloid solanine M, also called melongen. There is a direct link between the presence of this substance and the color of the vegetable. Eggplants with a whiter flesh are considered to be free of solanine.

Fried Eggplants
Fried Eggplants

People who do not like bitter eggplants can choose not fully ripe vegetables, in the composition of which the presence of solanine is minimal.

Eggplants also contain vitamin C and B vitamins.

An interesting detail is that the origin of useful vegetables is India. Persian traders brought it to Africa. And in Europe it reaches through the Arabs.

We offer you a delicious recipe for homemade kyopoolu, which can be the perfect salad for hot summer days.

To do this, bake, peel and mash a few aubergines. Add ground (or mashed) green peppers (pre-peeled and roasted), a few planed tomatoes, finely chopped parsley and dill, a pinch of salt and olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice (or vinegar). All this is mixed well.

Optionally, more crushed garlic is added to the kyopoolu. Additionally, you can sprinkle the salad with chopped walnuts.

Enjoy your meal!
