Chewing Orange Peel Improves Oral Hygiene

Chewing Orange Peel Improves Oral Hygiene
Chewing Orange Peel Improves Oral Hygiene

Most people discard peels when they eat oranges, but experts say this should not be done because they are very useful.

Orange peels contain polymethoxyflavones, mainly nobiletin, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, inflammation and lower the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

Furthermore orange peels are good for oral hygiene, so experts sometimes advise to chew them. In this way we not only destroy the microbes, but also ensure fresh breath.

Besides, this way we can remove the yellow stains on the teeth.

The results of several studies have shown that orange peel can fight cancer, especially in the stomach, by reducing the impact of toxic substances on the mucous membrane.

Orange peels they can also deal with being overweight. Their specific bitter taste, low caloric content and the large amount of fiber they contain guarantee a slim figure.

It has been scientifically proven that orange peels are ideal prevention against obesity.
