Red Orange Weakens

Red Orange Weakens
Red Orange Weakens

According to the latest research by scientists from the Italian Institute of Nutrition, red citrus melts excess weight quickly.

Especially great is the effect it has on the fat, red orange.

Red orange weakens
Red orange weakens

In addition to helping melt excess rings, red orange reduces the risk of cancer. Although the anti-cancer effect of red oranges has been found in experiments on mice, scientists from the Research Institute of Oncology in Italy believe that this discovery is very valuable in the fight against cancer.

Previously, scientists from different countries have come up with the idea of the benefits of red citrus fruits, which are rich in antioxidants. Red oranges contain substances that help fight obesity.

A team of scientists from Italy, led by Diego Canivaro, conducted the following experiment on mice: divided them into two groups and instead of water, half of the rodents took red orange juice, and the rest of ordinary.

As a result of an experiment, it became clear that drinking red orange juice does not lead to weight gain. On the contrary - gets rid of extra pounds. While ordinary orange juice helps in their accumulation.
