Coffee Protects Our Liver Every Day

Coffee Protects Our Liver Every Day
Coffee Protects Our Liver Every Day

Coffee, whether caffeinated or not, improves liver function. This is the opinion of scientists from the National Cancer Institute in the United States. Experts confirm that the bitter drink can prevent diseases that are associated with the liver.

Consumption of coffee every day reduces the risk of increased levels of several enzymes - alkaline phosphatase, aminotransferase, gamma-glutamine transaminase. High levels of these enzymes are usually a sign of liver damage or another health problem.

The researchers used 27,783 people who were over 20 years old and regularly drank coffee. Specialists took blood samples from participants and found that those who drank coffee daily had significantly lower levels of the enzymes in question.

The head of the study, Qiang Xiao, explained that this study unequivocally showed that coffee contributes to the proper functioning of the liver. However, more research is needed to find out which ingredient affects the body in this way.


Coffee has other benefits on the body. Studies show that caffeinated beverages help speed up metabolism - just one or two glasses a day can be helpful.

In addition, researchers at the University of South Florida and the University of Miami have found that regular coffee drinking is associated with dementia. According to scientists, people who drink an average of three cups of coffee a day are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Experts explain that the consumption of the aromatic drink will not completely protect us from the disease, but will certainly reduce the risk of triggering the disease.

For women, coffee has another benefit - it reduces the risk of depression. The condition, however, is to drink without any sweeteners.

And although this is not exactly a health benefit, we should not ignore the fact that drinking a cup of coffee has long become a household name for a cup of aromatic drink with your loved ones.
