How To Recognize Imitation Products?

How To Recognize Imitation Products?
How To Recognize Imitation Products?

More and more people are choosing to eat clean food. One of the biggest challenges we all face on the path to health is how to recognize which products are clean and which are not. Imitation products are a real obstacle, as they are particularly common and usually mimic some of the most consumed products - dairy.

A product is imitative when what is in it does not correspond to what it is - for example, cream is not cream if it is of vegetable origin. By law - imitation products they must be sold on separate stands and be clearly marked as imitating a product, without bearing the name 'cheese', 'yellow cheese', 'milk' or 'cream'.

In theory, this makes our task easier, but in trade the practice is different. That is why it is important to know how to recognize imitation products. The first thing you need to be guided by - the price. Usually a kilogram product imitating cheese, is much cheaper than real and quality cheese, which is over BGN 8-9 per kilogram. Imitation products can be found for between BGN 2 and 4 for the same quantity.

You can recognize real cheese in another way - when broken, it should be grainy, while the imitation products are smooth.

You can already see in the window that the texture of the imitation products is really quite smooth, the edges of the lumps are sharp, while with real cheese they are rounded.

When soaked in water - the real cheese is desalinated, but does not change its shape, and the imitation product practically disintegrates.

It's harder to recognize others dairy imitation products. Following the introduction of the new regulations, spreadable cheeses and milk are not referred to as "cheese" and "milk" but as "spreadable product" or "drinking product". It is important to learn and read the labels.

How to recognize imitation products?
How to recognize imitation products?

Another product that is difficult to recognize is cream, especially cooking. Again, the difference is in the label and the content. The box with the imitation product will say "of vegetable origin", and the contents always contain vegetable fats.

Here the price is not an indicator, because even some of the most expensive brands offer similar ones plant products, so always read what you consume.
