Consumption Of Peas Works Wonders With Health

Consumption Of Peas Works Wonders With Health
Consumption Of Peas Works Wonders With Health

Peas are one of the most useful legumes. It has been known to mankind since ancient times. It has been established that its cultivation for food began more than 20 millennia ago. Its original origins are Indochina, Transcaucasia and Ethiopia. Peas have been held in high esteem in Sparta, Athens, China and the Roman Empire.

In Europe, with the exception of ancient Greece, peas have been known since the eighth century. It was then used for fodder. It was not until the 13th century that it began to be consumed. There are more than a thousand types of peas, and the difference between them is mainly in the beans and pods. In Bulgaria, green and garden peas are mainly consumed.

The special popularity of this legume is due to its numerous health qualities. Small peas contain huge amounts of vitamins - C, B1, B2, B5, B9 and K1. No less useful are the high content of minerals, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, fiber and the highest quality vitamins.

With only one hundred and fifty grams of peas, the body obtains the necessary amounts of fat and carbohydrates for the day. Among legumes, peas have the highest protein content. That is why it is so highly recommended in the various protein diets of bodybuilders.

Peas should be eaten at least once a week, experts advise, because of the useful substances in it needed by the body. Vitamin C increases resistance and promotes the formation of connective tissue.

Peas with butter
Peas with butter

Iron is involved in the formation of blood cells, the deficiency of which can lead to decreased immunity, anemia and fatigue. Vitamin K1, which is an activator of the hormone osteocalcin, plays a very important role. This hormone regulates metabolic processes, insulin receptors, blood sugar and fat deposits.

In the absence of vitamin K1, bone mineralization in the human body is disrupted, leading to a number of harms. On the other hand, the vitamin regulates blood sugar and stops the symptoms of osteoporosis.

Consumption of peas helps to improve protein balance. It is high in protein, which is easier to digest than meat.
