A Teaspoon Of Honey In The Wine Works Wonders

A Teaspoon Of Honey In The Wine Works Wonders
A Teaspoon Of Honey In The Wine Works Wonders

Honey is one of the first products we reach for when we feel that we are starting to get sick. It is easily absorbed by the human body and gives it energy.

Added to tea or eaten alone, honey relieves sore throat, helps with dry cough, etc.

In addition to traditional herbal tea, this product can be added to wine and again act as a home remedy. Here are two recipes that can help, especially if you have a serious illness and a weakened immune system:

- For the first recipe you need a kilo of honey and a liter of white wine. Mix them in a suitable container and add pre-ground agave leaves.

Leave the mixture in a cool, dark place for 40 days. It is good to shake the mixture every day. After the days have passed, the mixture is filtered and placed in the refrigerator.


The wine is taken 1 tsp. three times a day. It is advisable to eat the mixture before meals. Wait ten days and increase the intake of a tablespoon. Shake the container well before eating the mixture;

- The following recipe is more fragrant - for it you need two lemons and oranges and a little nutmeg. Slice the citrus fruits and mix them with the grated nutmeg and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Then pour the mixture with dry wine - its amount is two liters.

Add 200 g of honey to the mixture and start boiling in a water bath. Boil for ten minutes and then take one cup of coffee three times a day. Warm before drinking.

- In case your voice is hurt and you are hoarse, you can also turn to honey and wine. A symptom such as a hoarse voice may indicate fatigue of the vocal cords or a more serious illness.

Put 300 ml of wine and 100 g of honey in a saucepan on the stove. Once it boils, remove from the heat. Once cool, you can take small sips three times a day. If you wish, gargle with the liquid - this will also help.
