Asafetida - The Secret Gold Of Indian Cuisine

Asafetida - The Secret Gold Of Indian Cuisine
Asafetida - The Secret Gold Of Indian Cuisine

Asafetida is essentially a wood resin. Its most popular use is as a spice. It is typical for use in Indian cuisine. Another aspect in which asafetida is used is the system of treatment of Eastern Ayurveda. There it is also known as "assant", "food of the gods", "fragrant resin" and others.

To turn it into a spicy spice, the resin from the root of the plant Ferula asafetida is ground to a powder. Due to its sharp taste, it is often offered in combination with wheat flour.

The aromatic substance in asafetida gives the spice a strong and characteristic aroma. Thus, the specific odor of asafetida is due to the sulfur compounds contained in it. They break down during cooking and turn it into a natural pesticide. Its taste is mostly close to that of onions and garlic. This makes it a great alternative for people with sensitive stomachs.

Asafetida is added to almost every traditional lean Indian dish. It is most often used for seasoning salads, vegetable dishes, rice, pies, pasta and more. It has a preservative effect, which is why it is also used for seasoning pickles.

Asafetida resin
Asafetida resin

Asafetida is most popular in vegetarian dishes. It has a balancing effect on the taste of sweet, sour and spicy ingredients in the dish.

The healing properties of the favorite Indian spice are not to be overlooked. The Indians believe that they owe their good health and longevity to her. It relieves stomach pain and bloating. It has expectorant and laxative effects.

A pinch of spice makes it easier to break down any dish. Removes toxins, cleanses the colon and relieves pain. Ear pain is treated by wrapping a small piece of Asafetida in cotton and placing it in the ear. Its vapors relieve pain.

Asafetida is used for depression, headaches, lethargy, menstrual pain and candida. There are also data on its beneficial effects in bronchitis, asthma and nervous disorders.

The spice promotes the production of sex hormones, which is why it is believed to have a beneficial effect in the treatment of impotence.

It is very difficult to find the spice in our country. If you still succeed, it will be on resin, in "drops", ground to a powder alone or in combination with other spices.
