Here's How To Paint Beautiful And Colorful Eggs On Steam

Here's How To Paint Beautiful And Colorful Eggs On Steam
Here's How To Paint Beautiful And Colorful Eggs On Steam

On Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday we traditionally paint the eggs with which we will knock on Easter. But if you have long been tired of the old methods of painting, we present you a more creative way to prepare for the holiday.

You will need between 10 and 15 eggs, 4 colors of egg paint, two pieces of each paint and a glass of vinegar.

First you need to boil the eggs and when they are ready, leave them to cool well and soak them in water. At this time, pour water into a deep vessel, and place a metal strainer on top of small holes.

Coloured eggs
Coloured eggs

When the eggs are well cooled, arrange them on the strainer, not placing them on top of each other. Move the pan to the hob and turn on low so that the water heats up slowly.

Then sprinkle the paint one by one on the eggs, and when you notice that the paint dries, spray with a little vinegar, dipping your fingertips into the glass.

When you have finished all the paints, cover the dish with a lid and leave the painted eggs for about 10 minutes, until the steam from the water completely dissolves the paint.

Great eggs
Great eggs

Photo: Admin

Finally, wash each of the eggs under running water from the excess paint and grease them with oil to have a beautiful shine.
