How Is A Whole Pig Cut?

How Is A Whole Pig Cut?
How Is A Whole Pig Cut?

Cutting meat is a complex activity and requires good qualification. There are cutting plants where this is done on a professional level. Information on how it is done slaughtering a whole pig it is necessary so that everyone can know which part of the animal to buy for the respective recipe they want to prepare. What are they principles of pig cutting?

The principles of slicing are in accordance with the nine parts of the pig, which are considered basic and are separated from each other: head, neck, chops, bon fillet, contra fillet, upper leg of the pig, lower leg, pork breast and shoulder. We will briefly discuss the use of individual parts of the animal.

The pig's head - it can be sold whole. Soups are prepared from it, as well as delicacies with pork tongue and brain. The ears are the part with cartilage with a high content of gelatin. It is added to soups to achieve a thicker consistency or used in the preparation of patchouli, where it is a gelling agent. Cheeks consist of fatty meat, which is used in recipes for fatter dishes with vegetables.

cut head of pig
cut head of pig

The meat from the pig's neck is greasy, but not whole. The core is made of red meat, the edges are white. It is prepared on the grill as the fatty part is a natural source of fat for baking.

Pork chops are also called fish. This is the highest quality part of the meat for cooking steaks, as well as any other dishes. This part is very tender and juicy, and the percentage of fat - small.

The fillet is part of the muscle with meat around the ribs. Despite the veins of the muscles with which it is wrapped, this meat is also tender and low in fat. When used in inappropriate recipes it can get very dry. It is best used for recipes with vegetables or sauces.

The counter fillet is the whole part of the pig's back, sometimes covering the bon fillet. It is a more fleshy part compared to the fillet, but it can also become too dry. If steaks are made from it, it is mandatory to serve them with sauce.

The flesh above the hind legs and tail, along with the muscles, is called the upper thigh. There is more fat than fillet. The meat is tender, slightly greasy and is ideal for steaks. This meat is also top quality.

The meat from the tail to the pig's knee, together with the bone, represents the lower leg of the pig. It is tender, juicy, oily and very tasty. You can bake whole, make steaks, all kinds of dishes, as well as minced meat.

sliced pork
sliced pork

The flesh of the abdomen and muscles, which is located in the lower part of the pig, between the legs, is considered a second quality meat, but cooked over low heat becomes very appetizing. It is suitable for soups because it boils well.

The meat from the front two legs, from the fish to the knee joint, is the pork shoulder. The meat is drier and more fiber. It is suitable for minced meat, which is drier, as well as for dishes in which fat is added. It is good to cook the meat for a longer time, or to stew it. This meat is considered second quality.

The legs from the knee down / shank / and the ears are defined as third quality pork. Because they contain gelatin, they can be used to thicken soups or to make patchouli.
